I feel like time flits by when I don't want to it and rushes past me when I want it to stop. I guess it's been almost 2 months since I last wrote. Since then I've been to Seattle and ran the inaugural Rock 'n Roll marathon there. I got a PR. I was pleased with the outcome especially because I didn't train very hard (I think the longest I'd run prior was 12 miles 3 months before) because my neck/shoulders were giving me a lot of problems in the 2 months leading up to the run.

I also made it to Paul Riley's wedding. I was so excited to be there representing his West Woods friends on that special day. I also made it to Safeco with Bonnie where we had awesome seats - park 26. ;) It was so fun just chillin' and actually having a 'vacation' type time in Seattle while seeing old friends from high school including Michelle, Miya and Jimmy. Crazy there were so many San Leandrans up there!

July went by like a whirl wind and has left me gasping for air. I'm trying to keep up with running/working out/staying in shape more. I have 3 marathons I've registered for and 'homie don't play'. I am getting tired of just doing them. I want to race again. Today I was doing a little striding during my run and I MISS IT SO MUCH!!! AHH! I LOVE going fast. The way your body works mechanically together in perfect motion (pending injury).

In July I was pretty sick from allergies/life in Virginia. I managed to make it home for Jecca's wedding! I made it to 2 Oakland A's games even though I was only in Oakland/SL for about 36 hours. :) Good times were had at home hanging out with good friends.
I got up to NY and hung out with Rach and a bunch of friends from California including my mochi sister Sandra,which was awesome because I had just hung out with Yuri while in Seattle and had gone to Leilani's wedding in October last year. Now we all just need to get together for once! I can't wait for that to happen. It will be glorious.

I went to Yankee stadium dressed in full Oakland attire which is only the appropriate response considering the A's were in town to play the Yanks. Monday night I went to a Mets game with Rach, Carrie and Andy which was a lot of fun! I love going to games with friends. I'll go by myself... but it's more fun with friends for sure.

This month is focused on getting school work done... and then going to Boston to visit Donovan. I'm stoaked for that.
I've got to go up to Glen Allen now... so farewell for now.
-run for life