While waiting for a sign of some sort or a peace to come over one in effort to obey God’s will I feel like the answer is clearly in front of me, but I don’t want to fully accept it. I still feel like I need more confirmation! After talking with Sarah, I feel a little more confident in making my own decisions - obviously I want my decisions to be based on what God wants me to do, but perhaps if I am seeking God's counsel in the making of the decision... it is God's will when I come to a decision?
I applied at Remuda Ranch to the opening of Registered Dietitian, it's in Wickenburg, AZ and I specified that I would prefer Virginia, but hey, Arizona is much closer to home... right? Where is my home? My home is with Christ, oddly I feel at home almost where ever I go. Why? I suppose that's a spiritual gift, relationship building and mentoring. I wish there were more of a leap of faith here so that I would know "I was stepping out in faith." When people speak on the topic, I feel so out of place, because I just do. If I truly believe God wants me to do something, I just do it. I don't wait for a second guess to slip through my mind until it is already too late. I relate it to standing on the top of a 30-ft cliff over the ocean in Hawai'i. Everyone is scared to go, I look over the edge, see no ripples from rocks and take the plunge. Everyone else follows me after they see that I'm all right (true story actually) and they have a lot of fun doing so. That seems to be the story of my life. I just jump in and take the plunge after a brief glance to make sure there are no ripples from rocks.
I like warm weather. Arizona really wouldn't be so bad, and the rent is a lot cheaper than in California. It'd probably be cheaper than Virginia since nobody lives out there. I would have to use air conditioning though which would be weird because I've never needed that in my life. Well, I'm really tired. God will work everything out. I am trying to leave doors open as always so that He may be my guide and refuge. Lord You have my heart and I will search for Yours. I want to glorify You in all I do and say. Please help those heavy on my heart, You know who I'm talking about. Thanks buddy.
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