Disclaimer: This got quite long once I started typing it out rather than just thinking about it. The types of flips I refer to are typical flips (tucks), not layouts. I like metaphors. I can do back flips (on trampolines only due to knee issues, I can do back handsprings & walkovers on the ground still) and fly-a-ways. There are areas in my life where I falter. If something doesn’t make sense or needs additional explanation, let me know. I am by no means perfect. I’m a sinner, saved by the grace of God. I am eternally grateful.
There are a few ways to look at this analogy:
#1 – Faith gives us the courage to start. Back flips are scary because you cannot see where you are headed. You do not know the end result until your feet (or something else) hit the ground. If you are too afraid to throw a flip (throw = to do), you will never experience the rush of adrenaline and more importantly the freedom that comes from it. We have to trust that we will make it all the way around. We have to trust that when we follow God’s plan, (of which we do not know the outcome) He will see it to completion – and He will! He promises to never leave us or forsake us [Josh 1:5]. All things work for the glory of God for those who love Him [Rom 8:28]. If we align our will to God’s will, within our hearts we will love and honor God first and we will seek glory for God as the purpose our lives.
#2 – We must make a choice. If you’re going to do it, you have to do it. God’s will is going to be done whether we follow him or not – you are either for Him or against Him – you are either hot or cold, if you are lukewarm He will spit you out [Rev 3:16]. We cannot stand on a fence between the world and the way of the Lord, we must chose a side and accept the consequences. (Personally, I choose God’s side – the winning side, which is good for those of us with a competitive nature.) Even if we are not following God, He can use whomever He wishes.
If you don’t go all out when throwing a flip, or if you get scared half way through and try to turn back – that’s when you get hurt or fall on your head. Opening up too soon or attempting to stop half way can lead to injury. As an 8-year old gymnast I was told, “there is no such thing as try, you just have to do it.” As simple as it sounds, it’s true. If you do not jump and tuck as well as you can, you’re better off not trying because you will fall on your head. The worst injuries gymnasts (and other athletes) most often encounter occur when they are tired and cannot do their best or when they do not put all the energy they have into their tricks (flips).
With life, it’s the same although the injuries we encounter may not be as visible. You probably will not break an arm, injure your neck, or twist your ankle if you halt in the middle of a non-physical activity. Just because the injuries are not physical, it does not mean that they are not as severe or important to address. Emotional injury can be more debilitating than physical injury (and may occur from physical suffering). When one ‘fails’ per se (ceases activity prior to completion), it takes more to over come the fear or hindrance that was initially present. Physical injury basically needs time to heal as the re-building process takes place. When our injuries are apparent to others (whether physical or emotional), they are able to assist in caring for us – this is why we need to share our struggles and burdens with one another [Gal 6:2]. We need to be specific (you must make the choice to get help!) otherwise they cannot pray for us or help keep us accountable.
#3 – Knowledge of an outcome does not mean its better. (When can we ever say we absolutely know what the outcome will be anyway?) What seems frightening due to our lack of foresight may actually be the more preferable option. Although you can see where you are headed and where you are going during a front flip, it is actually easier to perform the back flip. The motion of tucking your knees into your body naturally propels your body backwards. When doing fly-a-ways off the bars (or a rope swing into a river) all you need to do is tuck and let go because pulling your knees in will cause your body to spin in the right direction; it really takes little effort other than the act of letting go. (Harder than it sounds isn’t it? If you do tend to hold on tightly to what you trust in… why not let go of it and hold on more tightly to God? – He really is the only one we can trust in!) A front flip also requires tucking. However, since you are spinning in the opposite direction of a back flip where tucking assists, this motion now contradicts what you are trying to accomplish.
Just as back flips are easier even though we cannot see – if we purpose to follow Christ we cannot always see where we are going, but we are promised that His yoke is easy and His burden is light [Matt ]. I am by no means saying life is “easier” when you become a Christian as we all endure trials. Following God is to put it quite simply – the more preferable option! Jonah was told to go to Nineveh and he tried not to … we know what happened to him (he ended up in the smelly belly of a whale). The key word in the sentence: “tried.” Why fight an omnipotent being with our own idea of what’s best for us? God’s will is going to be done, He has our best interest in mind and He can see the whole picture.
Conclusion – The unknown can be petrifying, but if we believe that God has laid out our lives before we were born and knew all the days of our lives [Psalm 139] before He knit us in our mother’s womb, ultimately we know: God knows. I find that very comforting! It allows me to ‘take the plunge,’ to dare to dream, to follow Him with a childlike faith and recklessness, to do so much more than I could ever imagine. He has a plan for our lives that is so much better than any thing we could conceive! (I can attest to this just in this past year alone, much less my life story.) We are not aimlessly wandering through this life. We have a purpose in God’s plan. We are not alone; He has given us many blessings including those around us. He will not give us anything more than we can handle [1 Cor 10:13]. He will keep His promises. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength [Phil 4:13]. We can go with God, swimming against the current, honoring Him by following Him and glorifying Him or we can turn away and allow ourselves to drift lifelessly downstream in the direction of the world.
Back flips, front flips – who knew there was so much to say?
I praise God for those He has placed in my life to encourage and challenge me. I do not ever wish to be stagnant in my faith, I want to actively pursue God and sometimes this requires me to be spurred on by fellow believers when I am tempted and take my eyes off of my Savior. Thank God for His grace. I am so grateful for God capturing and claiming my heart before I can remember, without Him, I know I would not be in this world. I thank God for the trials and adversity in my life that shaped me to be who I am today and who I am becoming. I’m still working on thanking God during trials, but it becomes easier to do so when I look back and see how faithful He was and IS and WILL BE. Oh, how I am glad that He is constant and unchanging, so unlike everything in this world. I know I have a long way to go, but one day at a time I can focus on Him and trust that His plan for my life and His timing is perfect. Keep your eye on the prize that is Christ and run the race set before you.
-Run for life friends-
1 comment:
I should really start trying to do flips. I think the analogies would hold better and maybe my walk would improve =) just a theory. take care in far far away land.
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