Phases of joy & denial. 25 years. Society advertises youth, sex, fun, short term satisfaction and pleasure. I tell myself God planned my life before I was born. I am exactly the age I should be. All my accomplishments would not be possible were I only 20. I would not be the person I've become if I were still 21. Life experiences have shaped me to be whom I am and will continue to do so throughout my life.
When in high school, 25 seemed to loom far ahead in the distance. Well, here it is. My heart is brimming excitement to see what God has in store over the next quarter century. Hopefully it includes much laughter, new friends, more marathons, ball parks, visiting other countries/backpacking, biking coast to coast, getting married, and having & raising children. Regardless of what He has planned, I will continue to follow Jesus above all else with all of my heart. Here's to the next twenty five years.
- run for life