Light the fire once again. Throughout my life I have realized I am a "doer." When I say I am going to do something - I do it. I have found many people do not share my enthusiasm or zest for life. People second guess, get scared, or change their minds so often I don't understand. I was looking at my friend Matt's pictures of his travels through Mexico, Nicaragua, Belize, Guatemala, and Costa Rica (the waterfall is one of his from Costa Rica). My heart was filled with longing. I miss the volcanos surrounding Antigua's cobblestone streets. I have always wanted to see the world and oh, it was so lovely. I need to backpack across Europe and I need to find someone who's "hardcore" enough to do it. I don't want the frills, I want to live with the people, I want to live out of one backpack for a month or more and see everything. The only thing that holds me back right now is money, I need to get a job for at least a few years that will repay my debt to my parents and start scraping and saving for traveling in the future.
You only live once. I want to experience all of God's creation. I'm hoping that I'll get married some day and I'm hoping my future husband will have a passion for God's world and traveling like I do. I'm thinking of looking for jobs in Europe or other countries. Spain would be sweet and I could become fluent in Spanish that way. Oh, even a year or two abroad would be glorious. I doubt it would quench my thirst for traveling, but I don't know if anything can. God please, if it's Your will, let it happen, and provide me with the means and the fellowship. All in Your timing of course, I don't plan on going right this moment, but I will if You want me to!
- run for life friends.
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