I feel like I'm cutting it close and I'm not a last minute person! Perhaps God's timing is this way so I can fully trust Him. I still don't have a job and I graduate next week. I don't know if I'm moving three thousand miles home or staying here [though I think God is calling me here]. I feel like this would be easier if I was closer to home, but God doesn't tell us life is going to be easy. He tells us to trust Him, so that's what I am going to do. My California license must be renewed by my birthday this year - May 28. My car registration in California must be renewed by May as well. If I'm staying here, I'd rather not pay for California renewal if I have to register in Virginia and get a Virginia license [and end up paying double fees]. I feel a little nervous, but I am still holding on - clinging to God's whisper.
- run for life friends.
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