I feel like I am plagued with lack of sleep and a lot of neck pain in a addition to my usual aliments. I wonder if it's because I'm older or because I am just as injury prone as I've always been. June is already filling up with (hopefully) 2 weekend trips to the beach, a working weekend and Seattle for Paul's wedding, the Rock 'n Roll Seattle Inaugural Marathon and a Mariners game at Safeco.

NEXT was good (the new New Attitude). I had been dreading it, with lack of communication and not really knowing anyone who was going (due to lack of communication, it turned out there were about 70 people from our church, I just had no idea until after I was already there). It worked out better though. I hung out with new people and made new friends. I prefer that, rather than only hanging out with friends I already know and see all the time. Not that last year wasn't good, it was, I just like meeting new people.
My favorite speaker was Kevin Deyoung. He is a pastor from Michigan and he is HILARIOUS. I definitely want to get and read his book, 'Just Do Something!' He went through the latter half of Luke 8 and I was impressed with his simplification and break down.
He went through and noted (my notes not his, this is what I thought was important):
1) You do not rebuke something unless you believe it's going to obey. Clearly, Jesus knew who He was while everyone else was just beginning to understand. [ex-Jesus and the storm, he said 'peace be still' and it stopped].
2) the disciples and witnesses were MORE afraid after Jesus performed the miracles [the demon called Legion scared them, the storm scared them, and the girl dying was sad, but they were MORE afraid that Jesus was able to control all of these things, instead of feeling better or impressed: they were filled with FEAR-clearly he was more than human].
3) These miracles were not a test of Christ's power. Jesus barely says a word and miracles happen. [they were simple/easy for Him].
4) Christ's holiness is more powerful than your uncleanliness. If you touch Jesus -> you become CLEAN! [ex-woman who touched His cloak and stopped bleeding after TWELVE YEARS! The law said that you're unclean if you're bleeding and if another person touches you-you became unclean as well. Not for Jesus. He is so holy/pure/clean that you become clean if you are unclean and touch Him.].
5) You cannot exhaust God's grace [ex-saying, 'I can't forgive myself = MORE SIN, YOU CAN'T FORGIVE YOURSELF, HE MUST FORGIVE YOU! It's not that you feel bad, it's that you don't feel BAD ENOUGH.]
Finally, my favorite point. (6, I guess) Deyoung states that Christianity is 'anti-Disney' which I never thought about, but it's true. He says,
"You will NOT be a Christian unless you stop believing in yourself."Which is a great statement. We must believe in Christ, we must believe in His power. We need to remember that Jesus is the Lord and Savior. "The closer you get the more you love Him & the more you get a little scared." - K. Deyoung
Another good point he had, "the goal of youth group is boring testimonies!" He also says that the sins biggest in the church today are 1) sexual sin and 2) self righteousness. Being tormented by Satan is better than being proud [ex-Paul with the thorn in his flesh-God gave it to him to keep him from being conceited].
D.A. Carson and Sinclair Ferguson were also very good. I am too tired to write about all that, but I definitely need to re-listen to the messages.
God please help me to make it through the last 4 weeks of these 2 classes and finish them with satisfaction that I glorified You in the process. Please help me to prepare for my summer class and do well in that. Lord You know what I need, please help me to sleep more and be content in all areas of my life. Thank You for leading me and guiding me and saving me from what I cannot handle.
- run for life
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