I remember getting to know some of the college students who attended the church and meeting at the Hokits, the pre-Front Porch days including a worship-washed out by the ocean-bonfire. Fun nonetheless. Mersh was the Youth Director and oversaw the college students during the transition time... I remember going into her office and plopping my life story into her lap. A relief to get it off my own shoulders, things I'd been carrying alone for so long. God tells us to "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." -Galatians 6:2
We became good friends over the years from youth group to when I cleaned her house when she lived behind the health center and got Santiago [chicken] for the first time. I remember when she decided to begin making journals and still have the 'Fat Men from Outer Space' journal she gave me for helping her cut pages for all of the journals. [Am I glad that paper cutters were invited!]
Attic Journals was born in a small house on East Foothill Boulevard behind Cal Poly's health center in San Luis Obispo, CA when a woman named Michelle Sanders who had a dog named chicken decided to start making original journals using children's book covers. What a fabulous idea! She's very creative from house decorations to sending people random objects in the mail. Journals are something that we use to express ourselves. However, not all journals are meant to be read by the world which means that the cover must tell a little something of ourselves but not bare our souls to the random passerby. Thus Attic Journals are a perfect solution to the query of which journal expresses your inner child and joyful spirit the most yet remains affordable and stylish.
There is something about writing your thoughts that allows you to process them and re-read them later, almost like a history book of your life from your perspective. You can learn from your mistakes and see patterns in your life that you might not have noticed so easily. Online blogs are the journals of today... but nothing beats sitting by the ocean writing your thoughts, hopes, and dreams in a handmade journal that you can physically hold in your hands and stash away for another time when profound thoughts will flow from your pen onto the paper in front of you.
Honestly, I prefer handwritten journals to blogs because you can carry them with you anytime anywhere and you don't have to worry about who may come across your entry. I'm a doodler and while taking notes on a sermon or message I tend to draw pictures with my notes and it's not the same on the computer. I tend to feel like I'm writing a paper for school when I am tapping away on Jac's keys [my Mac is named Jac if you weren't aware yet].
Remember the good times, learn from the not-so-great and share with one another in order to lighten the load and fulfill the law of Christ. I miss SLO. I find myself a little jealous of the people who are left there in the small town where biking is widely accepted and even encouraged during bike to work week. The beach less than 12 miles, hiking across town, rock climbing down the street, and friends sprinkled across town. I suppose that's why they say you should enjoy college while it lasts because there's nothing like it. It's true, especially when you've lived in a place like San Luis Obispo and 'learned by doing' at Cal Poly. There's so much more to say, but it's past my bedtime. I miss home. I miss my family and friends, the Pacific, the glorious dry heat/weather, and hypoallergenic atmosphere. One more year. God will see me through until the end. He will never leave me nor forsake me.
- run for life friends
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