Friday, August 1, 2008


I am a little more at ease with the Petersburg job. I had to go today to sign some paperwork and get my name badge done. The new hospital is really nice. The outside looks classy and the inside looks like a university. The cafeteria is so clean and I am excited to see old faces that I worked with back in December.

I have to do a PPD test on Monday and go through a bunch of orientation the first few days but I believe I will begin working with patients right away. I'm pretty stoaked. I can't wait to get experience to put on my resume. That sounds terrible but I hate hospitals anyway.

It's so funny to look at each minute detail. I know and have complete faith and certainty that everything God planned far in advance. It's too much of a "coincidence" for things to just work out the way they do all the time. I pray and He answers. I'm so thankful. Lord Your love is extravagant, You are an awesome God.

-run for life

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