Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the heart of the matter

Not that I ever care to confess to having an affinity toward a particular someone of the male gender... I was reading Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? chapters 5 & 6 for Resolved Girl's Discipleship Group this coming Saturday.  I realized that I indeed have some of the characteristics of one who "dates within their mind;" more than I would like to admit.  I generally don't talk about guys.  I consider them friends.  Brothers if you will.  I love hanging out with my bros... and competing with them.

I thought I was better at guarding my heart.  I thought that I made it clear I was not interested in a relationship other than friendship.  My pride will be my downfall.  I have been illuminated once again to the fact that I need to protect my brothers and myself even more.  I think it's people freaking out because they're getting older.  I don't know why.  I'm 25 and I'm dandy.  Yes, I want to get married.  Yup, I want to have kids.

However, I have utmost faith that God will provide me with a suitor and eventually a husband in His perfect timing.  I know that He did not create me to be alone, thus He will give a husband one day.  Is it possible to have too much faith?  I don't think so.  I'm living up the single life while I can.  I should reach out to people, travel, and live life.  God has called me to be single right now and I am content.

I dress comfortably and continue my low maintenance lifestyle.  I thought for a split second that perhaps I should try a little harder to look nice, worry about my clothes, or maybe wear something other than flip flops... then I quickly snapped back to reality, ha ha.  I maintain the Northern California attitude-the "feel and look comfortable" look.  I figure I am still trying to find a balance or happy medium, but then I am pretty content with the way I dress and how I look... is that finding balance?

When I need to, I dress up-just enough.  Even at church out here in Virginia where the dress code is the most stringent I've ever experienced... I wear my free workout pants, they are my favorite pants after all.  Other people just wish they could be as efficient as me!  Dressing up for me consists of wearing my hair down and putting in dangly earrings.  I usually take about 4-5 minutes to get ready on a regular day including brushing my teeth and washing my face.  On days when I am trying to look nicer, I might take as long as 15 whole minutes!

I am so thankful that God has made me the way I am so that I can be a minimalist and still 'clean up nicely.'  I pray that God will send someone my way (I'm talking about a husband) who appreciates me for the way I am.  Someone that likes that I don't put on tons of make up or take lots of time to get ready.  Someone that values my ability to be efficient!

- run for life

1 comment:

anna said...

and someone who loves baseball ;)