Thursday, November 15, 2007

I wrote this list when I turned 21

It's been over 3 am I doing?

stuff I'd like to accomplish (or do)

1. Tandem Race Across America - who's down?! 2900+ miles biking through 60-110+ deg.F whoo hoo!

2. Haleakala Marathon on Maui without passing out and much faster than P.Diddy did the NY Marathon.

x3. graduate from Poly in Nutrition - yay super-duper-seniors!

I have a lot of new good friends... I don't know if I can quantify them, so maybe I should revise when I turn 25
4. meet a new buddy every month and get to know them really well. (12 new good friends a year!)

I may change this to Masters in Nutrition and personal trainer's certificate
5. get my masters in either Nutrition or Physical Therapy

I need to do this so bad
6. become a member of the sub-5 club and break 18:20 in the 5k

CA/VA down, 48 states, 6 continents to go (MD, NC, DE will be done by May '08)
7. run a marathon on EVERY continent and a marathon in all 50 states.

I think this is a weird goal since I want to do Race Across America... or at least ride my bike across coast to coast so I'll probably get rid of this
8. ride my bike across every state.

I'm getting better... but definately not as good as I was
9. find my baller skills in basketball. (I have some somewhere-I just lost them for a bit)

this one may take a while, and if they become Fremont, I don't know what I'll do.
10. watch the A's win the World Series 5x in a row. die hard Oakland (A's) for life baby! go to every mlb park.

11. get married - first I have to get over my fear of commitment - oh and find a guy who'd want marry me, that might be a slight set back.
12. have 2 or 3 kids, at least one boy and one girl - see above. (and be an awesome mom!)
13. backpack through Europe.
14. visit Jeffery and Jacques in South Africa.
x 15. learn how to surf.

I can play... I just need to get the really well part down.
16. learn how to play the guitar really well.

I need to get crackin'
17. climb every mountain.

This requires getting a pilot's license... I got my bartending license... I guess that's different, plane licensure is really expensive, I rode with Aidan in a 2 seater, that was fun...
18. fly an airplane.

x 19. sky dive.
20. get a super fly job where I can share God's word & interact with people.
21. design & decorate my own house to live in with my husband and kids.

*I don't know if I should set a specific deadline, but before I die I want to do everything! (*if God wants me to).

So I've completed 3/21 goals in 3 years. That's not bad. Some of the numbers will take years because there are so many points! When I turn 25, I will revise my goals and set new ones, for now I can keep working on the ones I've got. I should probably get going on number 11 if number 12 is ever going to happen, ha ha. I just want God's will to be done... and of course have fun while doing it. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay Jill! you can do everything God wants you to do. ;-)